Twocan quick start readme

To get the code to compile you should just be able to go into the src/ dir and type ./unixmake and type site at the prompt and then press return at the next prompt.

When you boot the program for the first time it's configured to come up on a "random" port which it will display on the screen, you can change this (as well as most other things) by using the "configure" command as an admin after you logon.

To get a higher admin character you need to logon as the name "root" then type "su" twice (once to resident them and the second time to give them higher admin privs).
The name "Root" is the value of player_name_admin in the configure command (you'll probably want to change it).

To create a system room you'll need to grant a character the system room priv and then run the commands "room system_create" and "configure room_main" (the last to make the room the default main room ... although you'll also want to invite everyone into the room, or they won't be able to get in).

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Last modified: Fri Apr 28 21:40:42 EDT 2000