#define EX_UTILS_NO_USE_INPUT 1 #define EX_UTILS_NO_USE_IO_FD 1 #define EX_UTILS_NO_USE_OPEN 1 #define EX_UTILS_NO_USE_INIT 1 #define EX_UTILS_NO_USE_EXIT 1 #include "ex_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WAIT_SET_RECV_FLAG 1 /* work around ? */ #define CL_PACKET_MAX 0xFFFF #define CL_MAX_CONNECT 128 /* made up ... 8bits */ #define CL_MSG_CLIENT_NONE INT_MAX #define CL_MSG_CLIENT_ZERO (INT_MAX - 1) #define CL_MAX_WAIT_SEND 16 #include "app.h" #include "evnt.h" #define EX_UTILS_NO_FUNCS 1 #include "ex_utils.h" #include "mk.h" MALLOC_CHECK_DECL(); #include "opt.h" struct con { struct Evnt ev[1]; }; static int io_r_fd = STDIN_FILENO; unsigned int io_ind_r = 0; /* socket poll */ static Vstr_base *io_r = NULL; static int io_w_fd = STDOUT_FILENO; unsigned int io_ind_w = 0; /* socket poll */ static Vstr_base *io_w = NULL; static Timer_q_base *cl_timeout_base = NULL; static Timer_q_base *cl_timer_connect_base = NULL; static int server_clients_count = 0; /* current number of clients */ static int server_clients = 1; static unsigned int server_timeout = (2 * 60); /* 2 minutes */ static const char *server_filename = NULL; static Vlg *vlg = NULL; static void ui_out(void) { if (!io_ind_w) return; SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->events |= POLLOUT; } static int cl_recv(struct Evnt *evnt) { int ret = evnt_cb_func_recv(evnt); if (!ret) goto malloc_bad; while (evnt->io_r->len) { size_t pos = 0; size_t len = 0; size_t ns1 = 0; size_t vpos = 0; size_t vlen = 0; size_t nse2 = 0; int done = FALSE; if (!(ns1 = vstr_parse_netstr(evnt->io_r, 1, evnt->io_r->len, &pos, &len))) { if (!(SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(evnt->ind)->events & POLLIN)) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } while ((nse2 = vstr_parse_netstr(evnt->io_r, pos, len, &vpos, &vlen))) { if (!done && !vlen && (nse2 == len)) { len = 0; evnt_got_pkt(evnt); break; } if (done) app_cstr_buf(io_w, " "); app_vstr(io_w, evnt->io_r, vpos, vlen, VSTR_TYPE_ADD_DEF); if (!done) app_cstr_buf(io_w, ":"); done = TRUE; len -= nse2; pos += nse2; } if (done) app_cstr_buf(io_w, "\n"); ui_out(); if (len) VLG_WARN_RET(FALSE, (vlg, "invalid entry\n")); /* if (io_w->conf->malloc_bad) goto malloc_bad; */ vstr_del(evnt->io_r, 1, ns1); } return (TRUE); malloc_bad: evnt->io_r->conf->malloc_bad = FALSE; evnt->io_w->conf->malloc_bad = FALSE; return (FALSE); } #define UI_CMD(x) \ else if (vstr_cmp_case_cstr_eq(io_r, 1, len, x "\n")) do \ { \ size_t ns1 = 0; \ Vstr_base *out = con->io_w; \ \ if (!(ns1 = vstr_add_netstr_beg(out, out->len)) || \ !vstr_add_cstr_ptr(out, out->len, x) || \ !vstr_add_netstr_end(out, ns1, out->len) || \ !evnt_send_add(con, FALSE, 0)) \ { \ evnt_close(con); \ return; \ } \ evnt_put_pkt(con); \ } while (FALSE) static void cl_connect(void); /* fwd ref */ static void ui_parse(void) { size_t len = 0; unsigned int count = 64; struct Evnt *con = NULL; vlg_dbg3(vlg, "ui_parse %zu\n", io_r->len); if (!io_r->len) return; /* don't start more connections for nothing */ if (!(con = evnt_find_least_used())) { cl_connect(); return; } while ((len = vstr_srch_chr_fwd(io_r, 1, io_r->len, '\n')) && --count) { size_t line_len = len; if (0) { /* not reached */ } UI_CMD("CLOSE"); UI_CMD("DBG"); UI_CMD("UNDBG"); UI_CMD("LIST"); UI_CMD("STATUS"); vlg_dbg3(vlg, "bad input\n"); /* ignore everything else */ vstr_del(io_r, 1, line_len); } vlg_dbg3(vlg, "io_r left = %zu\n", io_r->len); } #undef UI_CMD static int cl_cb_func_connect(struct Evnt *evnt) { (void)evnt; vlg_dbg3(vlg, "connect\n"); ui_parse(); return (TRUE); } static int cl_cb_func_recv(struct Evnt *evnt) { return (cl_recv(evnt)); } static void cl_cb_func_free(struct Evnt *evnt) { struct con *con = (struct con *)evnt; F(con); --server_clients_count; } static struct con *cl_make(const char *server_fname) { struct con *ret = MK(sizeof(struct con)); if (!ret) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); if (!evnt_make_con_local(ret->ev, server_fname)) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); ret->ev->cbs->cb_func_connect = cl_cb_func_connect; ret->ev->cbs->cb_func_recv = cl_cb_func_recv; ret->ev->cbs->cb_func_free = cl_cb_func_free; ++server_clients_count; if (ret->ev->flag_q_none) cl_cb_func_connect(ret->ev); return (ret); } static void cl_connect(void) { struct con *con = cl_make(server_filename); struct timeval tv; if (server_timeout) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); TIMER_Q_TIMEVAL_ADD_SECS(&tv, 0, rand() % server_timeout); if (!(con->ev->tm_o = timer_q_add_node(cl_timeout_base, con, &tv, TIMER_Q_FLAG_NODE_DEFAULT))) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); } } static unsigned int cl_scan_io_fds(unsigned int ready) { const int bad_poll_flags = (POLLERR | /* POLLHUP | */ POLLNVAL); vlg_dbg2(vlg, "BEG ready = %u\n", ready); if (io_ind_r && SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->revents & bad_poll_flags) { --ready; close(SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->fd); vlg_dbg2(vlg, "ERROR-POLL-IO_R(%d):\n", SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->revents); socket_poll_del(io_ind_r); io_ind_r = 0; } if (SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->revents & bad_poll_flags) { --ready; close(SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->fd); vlg_dbg2(vlg, "ERROR-POLL-IO_W(%d):\n", SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->revents); socket_poll_del(io_ind_w); io_ind_w = 0; } if (io_ind_r && (SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->revents & POLLIN)) { unsigned int ern; --ready; while (vstr_sc_read_iov_fd(io_r, io_r->len, io_r_fd, 4, 32, &ern)) { /* do nothing */ } switch (ern) { case VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_EOF: close(SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->fd); SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->fd = -1; socket_poll_del(io_ind_r); io_ind_r = 0; errno = EAGAIN; case VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_READ_ERRNO: if (errno != EAGAIN) break; case VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_NONE: ui_parse(); default: break; } vlg_dbg2(vlg, "READ UI\n"); } else if (io_ind_w) ui_parse(); if (io_ind_w && (SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->revents & POLLOUT)) { unsigned int ern; --ready; while (io_w->len && vstr_sc_write_fd(io_w, 1, io_w->len, io_w_fd, &ern)) { /* do nothing */ } if (!io_w->len) SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_w)->events &= ~POLLOUT; vlg_dbg2(vlg, "WRITE UI\n"); } return (ready); } static void usage(const char *program_name, int ret, const char *prefix) { Vstr_base *out = vstr_make_base(NULL); if (!out) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "usage"); vstr_add_fmt(out, 0, "%s\n" " Format: %s [-chmtwV] \n" " --help -h - Print this message.\n" " --debug -d - Enable debug info.\n" " --clients -c - Number of connections to make.\n" " --nagle -n - Enable/disable nagle TCP option.\n" " --timeout -t - Timeout (usecs) between each message.\n" " --version -V - Print the version string.\n", prefix, program_name); if (io_put_all(out, ret ? STDERR_FILENO : STDOUT_FILENO) == IO_FAIL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "write"); exit (ret); } static void cl_cmd_line(int argc, char *argv[]) { char optchar = 0; const char *program_name = NULL; struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"clients", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"execute", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"host", required_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"port", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"nagle", optional_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; Vstr_base *out = vstr_make_base(NULL); if (!out) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "command line"); program_name = opt_program_name(argv[0], "cntl"); while ((optchar = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:de:hH:nP:Rt:V", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (optchar) { case '?': usage(program_name, EXIT_FAILURE, ""); case 'h': usage(program_name, EXIT_SUCCESS, ""); case 'V': vstr_add_fmt(out, 0,"\ %s version 1.0.0, compiled on %s.\n\ Written by James Antill\n\ \n\ Uses Vstr string library.\n\ ", program_name, __DATE__); if (io_put_all(out, STDOUT_FILENO) == IO_FAIL) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "write"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'c': server_clients = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': server_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': vlg_debug(vlg); break; case 'e': /* use cmd line instead of stdin */ io_r_fd = -1; app_cstr_buf(io_r, optarg); app_cstr_buf(io_r, "\n"); break; case 'n': if (!optarg) { evnt_opt_nagle = !evnt_opt_nagle; } else if (!strcasecmp("true", optarg)) evnt_opt_nagle = TRUE; else if (!strcasecmp("1", optarg)) evnt_opt_nagle = TRUE; else if (!strcasecmp("false", optarg)) evnt_opt_nagle = FALSE; else if (!strcasecmp("0", optarg)) evnt_opt_nagle = FALSE; break; default: abort(); } } vstr_free_base(out); out = NULL; argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) usage(program_name, EXIT_FAILURE, ""); server_filename = argv[0]; } static void cl_timer_cli(int type, void *data) { struct con *con = NULL; struct timeval tv; unsigned long diff = 0; if (!data) return; if (type == TIMER_Q_TYPE_CALL_DEL) return; con = data; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); diff = timer_q_timeval_udiff_secs(&tv, &con->ev->mtime); if (diff > server_timeout) { vlg_dbg2(vlg, "timeout = %p (%lu, %lu)\n", con, diff, (unsigned long)server_timeout); close(SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(con->ev->ind)->fd); return; } if (type == TIMER_Q_TYPE_CALL_RUN_ALL) return; TIMER_Q_TIMEVAL_ADD_SECS(&tv, (server_timeout - diff) + 1, 0); if (!(con->ev->tm_o = timer_q_add_node(cl_timeout_base, con, &tv, TIMER_Q_FLAG_NODE_DEFAULT))) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); } static void cl_timer_con(int type, void *data) { int count = 0; if (!data) return; if (type == TIMER_Q_TYPE_CALL_DEL) return; while ((server_clients_count < server_clients) && (count < CL_MAX_CONNECT)) { cl_connect(); ++count; } if (type == TIMER_Q_TYPE_CALL_RUN_ALL) return; if (server_clients_count < server_clients) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); TIMER_Q_TIMEVAL_ADD_SECS(&tv, 1, 0); if (!timer_q_add_node(cl_timer_connect_base, NULL, &tv, TIMER_Q_FLAG_NODE_DEFAULT)) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); } } static void cl_init(void) { cl_timeout_base = timer_q_add_base(cl_timer_cli, TIMER_Q_FLAG_BASE_DEFAULT); cl_timer_connect_base = timer_q_add_base(cl_timer_con, TIMER_Q_FLAG_BASE_DEFAULT); if (!cl_timeout_base) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); if (!cl_timer_connect_base) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); vlg_init(); if (!(vlg = vlg_make())) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "init"); evnt_logger(vlg); } static void cl_beg(void) { int count = 0; vlg_dbg3(vlg, "cl_beg\n"); if (io_r_fd != -1) { vlg_dbg3(vlg, "cl_beg io_r beg\n"); evnt_fd__set_nonblock(io_r_fd, TRUE); if (!(io_ind_r = socket_poll_add(io_r_fd))) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); SOCKET_POLL_INDICATOR(io_ind_r)->events |= POLLIN; } evnt_fd__set_nonblock(io_w_fd, TRUE); if (!(io_ind_w = socket_poll_add(io_w_fd))) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); while ((server_clients_count < server_clients) && (count < CL_MAX_CONNECT)) { cl_connect(); ++count; } if (server_clients_count < server_clients) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); TIMER_Q_TIMEVAL_ADD_SECS(&tv, 1, 0); if (!timer_q_add_node(cl_timer_connect_base, NULL, &tv, TIMER_Q_FLAG_NODE_DEFAULT)) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); } } static void cl_signals(void) { struct sigaction sa; if (sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); /* don't use SA_RESTART ... */ sa.sa_flags = 0; /* ignore it... we don't have a use for it */ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!vstr_init()) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); vstr_cntl_conf(NULL, VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FMT_CHAR_ESC, '$'); vstr_sc_fmt_add_all(NULL); if (!(io_r = vstr_make_base(NULL))) /* used in cmd line */ errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); if (!(io_w = vstr_make_base(NULL))) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); if (!socket_poll_init(0, SOCKET_POLL_TYPE_MAP_DIRECT)) errno = ENOMEM, err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); srand(getpid() ^ time(NULL)); /* doesn't need to be secure... just different * for different runs */ cl_signals(); cl_init(); cl_cmd_line(argc, argv); cl_beg(); while (io_ind_w && (io_w->len || evnt_waiting() || io_ind_r || io_r->len)) { int ready = evnt_poll(); struct timeval tv; if ((ready == -1) && (errno != EINTR)) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", __func__); if (ready == -1) continue; evnt_out_dbg3("1"); ready = cl_scan_io_fds(ready); evnt_out_dbg3("2"); evnt_scan_fds(ready, CL_MAX_WAIT_SEND); evnt_out_dbg3("3"); evnt_scan_send_fds(); evnt_out_dbg3("4"); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timer_q_run_norm(&tv); evnt_out_dbg3("5"); evnt_scan_send_fds(); evnt_out_dbg3("6"); } evnt_out_dbg3("E"); vstr_free_base(io_r); vstr_free_base(io_w); timer_q_del_base(cl_timeout_base); timer_q_del_base(cl_timer_connect_base); evnt_close_all(); vlg_free(vlg); vlg_exit(); vstr_exit(); MALLOC_CHECK_EMPTY(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }