Twocan talker server, there is a UK mirror at

Twocan is a talker in the style of EW, although it is completely different code and is licensed under the GPL.

For a quick start guide read the README.

Current versions
Stable Development
release-2002-01-07, bz2 gz none

Mailing lists (put subscribe in the subject)
Twocan development list
Twocan announcement of releases list (this includes development releases)
Twocan bug list (bugs from talkers users)
Twocan suggestion list (suggestions from talkers users)

Development texts
Main authors
James Antill, Web page
John Tobin
For a complete list, look in the AUTHORS file in the distribution.

Current talkers using this code
CrazyLands, web , telnet access
MK CLN, web , telnet access

Last modified: Mon Jan 7 11:46:52 EST 2002